

Lee also has a
Go Fund Me Page setup

Let's Help Lee focus on the fight and not on the bills.

My name is Lee and I’m 32 years old. I have an absolutely amazing family.
I met my wife 10 years ago and we have been married for 6 years.
We have 3 beautiful babies together and they are all so very special to us.

So since December my left big toe has been swelled, very red, and it became very enlarged.
I found out that I had a bone tumor growing on the toe.
The tumor had just about completely destroyed the bone and unfortunately
there was no saving it, the only choice I had was amputation.
They sent it in to biopsy and unfortunately it was my worse nightmare.
It was a cancerous tumor and is called Ewing sarcoma.
A very rare cancer that mostly happens in children.

This was very hard news for me to swallow because
I lost my father at a young age to cancer and then
3 years ago my mother died to cancer.
They were my bestest friends.

So with Ewing sarcoma they have to give me very aggressive
chemo because this cancer can spread quickly. So far my scans
I have done all came back good but they want to make sure it never comes back.
I start my chemotherapy in just 2 weeks and is going to last atleast 14 weeks.
Ive always been an extremely hard worker my whole life and never
had anything handed to me. I’ve been working since 14 years old.
I hate asking for help but I don’t know what else to do.
My wife is a stay at home mother. She keeps telling me she can go get a job,
but I don’t know how sick chemo will make me and I want her to be
here for me and take care of the kids if I cannot.

Any funds raised will help provide financial stability and help me pay
my mortgage and all my other home bills we have while I battle cancer.

Thank you all for taking time to read my story. God bless
Additional updates are posted on Lee's gofund me page.


May 30th Lee started his 6 months of Chemo






